

Educational Materials for health Professionals, Inc provides materials in a self-instructional for mat with topics in Clinical Laboratory Science and Oncology Nursing. The clinical laboratory science materials were originally developed at Kettering Medical Center (Kettering, OH), with grant funds from the National Institutes of Health, W.K. Kellogg Foundation and Kettering Medical Center’s Clinical Laboratory Science Program. Changes in the healthcare system necessitated the closure of the program in July on 1989. In order to continue to make these materials available, EMHP was started in 1988 as an independent company with no connection to Kettering Medical Center.

The oncology materials were developed by the Community Oncology Nursing Committee of Dayton, Ohio. The original work began in 1983 with support from area hospitals and a grant from the Cancer Control Consortium of Ohio. All of these materials are reviewed and updated on a timely basis. They are being used by many hospitals and individuals throughout the country. Continuing education contact hours are available for many of the topics in clinical laboratory and oncology nursing. This company continues the Kettering tradition by providing high quality materials at a reasonable price.